Friday, November 28, 2008

Zouk! Relauching of the KL Superclub

As a parent and an ex-school teacher, I see so many young people beginning their journeys through life. City entertainment is a part of that journey where music was its beginning. Zouk! here in KL is one place where the young find themselves, celebrating their lives and their fashions, for the men, its the usual, the women, the lesser the better. Zouk is after all a "super club", that is they have a massive space and an even more massive acoustic system that renders all but the totally deaf rubber legged.

The 27th of November, 2008 was Zouk's relaunch after a refitting and revamp of its interiors and club rooms. A slight drizzle forced most of us to stand under the tents. It was crowded. Traffic was at a standstill. I don't doubt Zouk had its part to play in this, even if it were not for the rain.

Standing there, I was reminded of my youth. A young man was trying to impress a young lady with his vast travel experience in Phuket and England, where England was pronounced with an almost English accent. To do this you have to raise your pitch on the Eng and lower it on the Land, pronouned lund, the d heavily disguised like a back door maestro.

Two Australians who finally made it pass the door bitches were revved up to go. Leg vibrating like jack hammers. Then it all happened. Dancers, doing high energy wayang kulit opened the doors, the golden dyed hair flashing in the lasers, silver tops barely seen over the heads of so many pre-180's (cm that is). A loud bang, silver streamers and confetti and the doors were opened.

Not a one for crowds, I went home.

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